Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankfull For...

     I'm thankfull for a few things. I'm thankfull for my life. Without life I would litterly be nothing. Secondly, I'm thankfull for GOD. Whithout him the world be a total CHAOS. Thirdly, I love icecream. So I guees you can say I'm thankfull icecream. I'm also thankfull for my family. Without them I wouldn't be alive. I'm also thankfull for my freinds. They always stick for me. I'm also thankfull for music. I just have a 'Music Bug'. 7th thing I'm thankfull for is not getting sick easy. I'm usually am never sick. 8th thing is that I love sports. I always have be doing something outside wether it's football, baseball, and/or football. 9th thing is my dog. Even though she is old she can still protect us. 10th thing is that I have a house to live in. Other wise I could be hobo on the side of the street. 11th thing is the internet. Without I wouldn't know everything I know. 12th thing is ME. I'm very helpfull with others. 13th thing is Italy because it;s where i'm arriginated from. 14th thing is school because I would be super stupid without. Last but not least is the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's because we would be dead without air.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day

Veterans Day:

      November 11, or what is now known as Vetrens Day, was origanly made to be as an average U.S. holliday to honor Armistic Day- the end of World War 1, which officialy took place on November 11, 1998. In legislature that was passed in 193, November 11 was "dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be here after celebrated and known as 'Armistic Day'. As such, this new legal holliday honord World War 1 veterans. In 1954, after being in World War 2 and the Korean War, the 83rd U.S. Congress, at the urging of the veterans service organizations, amended the act of 1938 by striking out the word "Armistic" and inserting the word "Veterans". With the approval of this legislation on June 1st, 1954, November 11 became a day to honor American veterans of all wars.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

C.S. Lewis

Clive Staple Lewis is his real name. He made books like The Cronicals of Narnia, the Screwtape Letters, and Mere Christianity. C.S. Lewis was born in Belfast, Ireland, on November 29, 1898. Through out his whole C.S. Lewis had a nickname. Jack. He gave himself this nickname at the age of four. He only ahd one brother, Warren Hamilton Lewis. C.S, Lewis' mother died of cancer in 1908 when he was only 9 years old. In 1908 he became a barding student at Campbell College in Belfast, just one mile from his home but whithdrew one year later. In 1913 he enrolled in Malvern College where he remained for one year. It was there that C.S. Lewis became an athiest abandoning the Christian faith of his childhood. From Malvern, he went to private tootering under William T. Kirkpatric, "The Great Knock", had also been his father's tooter. Lewis went on to recieve a scholar ship at Oxford. Later he enrolled into the british army in 1916. On May 20, 1925, Lewis was Fellow tutor in English Ltituter at Oxford University, where he served for 20 years. In the army, Lewis  became freinds with his roommate, Paddy Moore. Moore was killed in battle in 1998.

     While in Oxford, Lewis wnet from being an antheist to being one of the most influential christian writers of the 20th centery; 1931 marks the year of Lewis' conversion to christianity. He also became a member of the church of england. He wrote books such as The Chronicals of Narnia

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Plot of City Mouse and Country Mouse

     The exposition is where the country mouse and city mouse are in the country mouse's home. The problem is where they go to the city mouse's house and are always running into traps. The turning point is where the chief's cat finds them and almost gets them. The falling action is where they keep on running into the cupbard. The resulution is where the country mouse says he has enough and goes back home wjere his life isn't thretned every day.