Monday, April 16, 2012

David's Life Rules

 # 1. No screaming in public.
 # 2. Do not be rude to others it is mean
 # 3. You can go to the video store afetr your chores and theropy are done
 # 4. Always listen to adults and family.
 # 5. When a tornado is happening, and nobody's home, go to the celar until it ends.
 # 6. When we have guests, make sure you are nice to them!!!
 # 7. When some one offers you something, be sure to be nice first and say "no", and if they ask again you may say "yes"
 # 8.  Make sure to wear shoes outside, there might be glass out there!!
 # 9.  You can't always get your way.
 # 10. When someone says "Hi" to you, make sure you say "hi" back.
    I chose these rules because i wanted to make sure David grows up to be a nice person to others and no to respect them. I also chose some of them for safety reasons. Especially if a natural disaster happens like a tornado, rule number 5. All the other rules are for David to be Polite to others at home and in Public.

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