Thursday, May 3, 2012

Character Comparison

        The character I think I am most common with is Stanley, from the book Hole by Luise Sachar. I think I am most like him because when I am punished, I have to do the hardest chores around the house, that my parents A, don't want to do, or B Just don't have time to do it. Also, when I get done with that one, I have do something for punishment. Usualy it is no electronics, or locked in my room with all the stuff in there. And, if my homework is out on the table, and I am grounded, I can't go and get it. Sometimes, they give me a chore to shorten my grounding like vacume the whole house, clean the kitchen, move/clean up the rocks in drive. That usually takes usually a good hour or two.And in the book holes, Stanley Yelnats is sent to a camp where he has dig holes every day to 'build character'. But really, it is just a search for gold. The person that runs the camp 'The Warden', was digging holes for her dad on all the Holidays and her Birthday. He said "You will thank me one day," She never did unitl Stanley and his new Best freind Zero found a Treasure with Stanley's name on it. As I and Stanley have learned, is that getting trouble, has it's downs, but in the end, it is rewarding.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Strengths and Weeknesses of Cathrine and Me!!!

     Cathrine has a few strengthes and weeknesses. One of her strengths is that she can talk to David about his rules and make new ones. An other one is that she has to have everything perfect. She wants everything to be perfect for her new neighboor. The last one is that she is very talented at drawing. When David goes to Theorapy, she likes to go with them, and as she draws, her mom reads harry potter. She also has a few weeknesses. One is also a strength. She wants everything to be perfect. If something is not perfect, she might freak. She also has make sure David knows his rules, and she tries really hard, but it takes a lot of time to do so. Her last one is that she hopes the new neighboor is going to be her summer freind. But if she says no, what will she do??
     I have a few also have a few strengths and weeknesses. A strength for me is that i am smart. I get my hw done on time so i don't get grounded. An other one is that i am freindly and can be kind. When i want to! =) My last strength is that one i put some one down i always try to pick them back up. I also have a few weeknesses. When someone puts me down, that really hurts me. Especially if it's my family that does it. I also can be mean and put some one down. Then i try to apoligize and make every thing better, and then they put me down. The last weekness is that i am play video games a lot and don't get a lot of sleep. This causes not paying attention in class and very sleepy.

Monday, April 16, 2012

David's Life Rules

 # 1. No screaming in public.
 # 2. Do not be rude to others it is mean
 # 3. You can go to the video store afetr your chores and theropy are done
 # 4. Always listen to adults and family.
 # 5. When a tornado is happening, and nobody's home, go to the celar until it ends.
 # 6. When we have guests, make sure you are nice to them!!!
 # 7. When some one offers you something, be sure to be nice first and say "no", and if they ask again you may say "yes"
 # 8.  Make sure to wear shoes outside, there might be glass out there!!
 # 9.  You can't always get your way.
 # 10. When someone says "Hi" to you, make sure you say "hi" back.
    I chose these rules because i wanted to make sure David grows up to be a nice person to others and no to respect them. I also chose some of them for safety reasons. Especially if a natural disaster happens like a tornado, rule number 5. All the other rules are for David to be Polite to others at home and in Public.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Game Plans!!!!!!!!!!

G; I would like to be a better person in and out of class.

A; In order to reach my goal, I will help in class and/or out of class. I will also try to be a better friend to others even when I am angry and/or frustrated. I will listen and pay attention in class. I will also work to keep my grades up and be nicer to others.

M; I will monitor my self by studying each night, be nice to others (preppy), tootor others and help in class.


GAME Plan   

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     Last year, was my favorite spring break ever. Me, My brother, My Mom, Travis C, His Mom and his brother, we all went to Gulf Shores, Alabama. There is a tiny little piece of land that touches the Gulf of Mexico. There are lots of resorts and we all went in  one for 8 days. It was awesome. There was 1 more family from Gobles that went. Kenley's family went around the same time we did. One day we ended eating the exact same crab shack, at the same exact time. We all sat by each other and it was really a lot of fun.
     This spring break, I get to go see the Hunger games in Imax 3-D and go to Chicago with my brother, My mom and Grandma. We will get a tour of chicago on a river and stay in a 5 star hotel, right next to the Hancock building. (now the Sears Tower) We will also eat at my mom's favorite restraunt in the world. It is a Pizzaria that when you get seated, you can color on the tables and walls . It is so much fun.

Monday, March 19, 2012


     The best parts of the Chicago trip was the Feild Museum and the bus ride. We also can't forget Shedd Aquarium. So all round, I liked the whole entire trip.

     You are probly asking, "Why was the bus ride fun??" It was fun because you got to sit by all your best freinds and just have a good time. We also get to watch movies, play ipods, and a bunch of other fun things.

     Shedd Aquarium is also fun. You get to have lots of fun watching the Dolphin/Beluga Whale/Hawk show. I liked downstairs because there was a lot of penguins and I love penguins. Ialso liked seeing the Whales and Dolphins swim around. I also loved seeing the Jelly Fish. They're 95% of water. No heart beat, no bones, no nothin.

     The Feild Museum is also very, very cool. There is Sue, the most complete replica of a T-rex today. It shows on a plaque were all the bones are missing. There is also a guided tour of the pawnee tribe. There is also an ehxibit of lots of totem poles. They also take track of all the Species that died of since 8:00 that morning, i was there at about 11, and 18 had died of since 8:00 that morning.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Shedd's Aquarium + Feild Museam

                                                              Shedds Aquarium!!!! 

Shedds Aquarium connects people to the living world. They engage and inspire as well as entertain and inform. They are a vital teaching and leaning resource. They are als a conservation leader. They are passionate about their animals and the world and habitat they share.

                                                             Feild Museam!!!!

The field museam is the home of 24 million exibits like natural sciences. Sue, the mona lesa of the field, is the largest assembled T-rex in the world. The underground exibit makes you fell like a Bug!!!! It helps us conserve biological culture diversity.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Rules and Things

1) Do not lie because it will always turn out bad in the end. Ex; I once lied about HW and later got grounded later on.

2) Do never play rough with a little sibbling (brother our sister) because it could get way out of hand. Ex; My brother and I were playingg football. He tackled me, then I tackled him in to next week and he cried and I later got in trouble.

3) If you a little brother or sister never be by them when they crie because your parents will always thimk it's you. Ex; My brother cried because he fell and I got blamed for pushing him and I was grounded for a week

4) If you ever been made mad in public, never fight back who - ever made you mad because you could get in big trouble. Ex; Some one got in a fight at a mall or store. He got a trial in court.

5) Always make sure you have you have a lunch before you leave hoime because you get in big trouble.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

20 Valentines

     The story I have read is called Twenty Valentines. This where one girl and one boy are making valentines for only the six girls and boys the knew. Then there auntie gave them addvice and said " Why don't we all make twenty valentines and send them to twenty boys and girls. They each said that's great and they made twenty valintines. The moral/lesson of this story is to be kind to others and be happy.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bud Caldwell

     Bud is a african american who lives/lived in a foster home. He has been sent to diffrent temporary homes in the past. At this point in the book he has been sent away to a temporary home for the summer.He has an older brother who's twelve and Bud is 10.